Sunday, September 27, 2009

On Critics and Criticism...

How we all njoy jus pointin out flaws in every1 whom or everythin that we despise...its kinda pacifying to ourselves that the target isn't really as good as it seems...but think again....
Is it just cos sumwhr down the line you actually envy his or her position? Or you wish u were as lucky yourself? Or simply wanna make yourself feel better that you are no less....
Whatever the reason..a point here is that every single act or task that is carried out by any1 has a certain amount of effort gone into it..a certain amount of dedication...a certain amount of attachment by the doer...a certain amount of hope...It is like someone's imagination taking shape...
So criticisin sum1 is lik criticizing sumbody's imagination...n nobody has the right to do that...for the simple reason that imaginations donot follow rules...they r not supposed to..
So y criticise???