Enough random talk. Now getting to the point, I'd like to put down a couple of thoughts about the philosophy of randomness. But first, going by the rules of essay writing,I shall state the dictionary meaning of randomness
1. Having no specific pattern, purpose, or objective 2. Of or relating to an event in which all outcomes are equally likely
Referring to the first definition - I'll state my reason for selecting this as my blog topic today - it justifies my work pattern,purpose and objective at the moment - absolutely not specific.
Referring to the second definition - I'll also justify that there was absolutely equal likeliness of me choosing some other random topic to talk about. Hence, it was absolutely random.
Okay, I'll just skip the random talk and come straight to my thoughts about the entire philosophy of randomness (disobeying the essay rules here and skipping the mention about the origins, history and the development of the concept of randomness as a whole). I feel the concept was developed, and in fact loved, for the sheer convenience that it provides to the doer of the act. Let me elaborate. Take a sampling technique for example. When you do not wish to follow the rules of picking up a sample based on purpose or a quota or some other criteria, you go ahead and make your work simplified and call it a new technique as a whole - Random sampling! Another example - a painting. When you fall short of a concept or a theme to splatter your colors around - just splash them without a method and call it Abstract! What is it after all but? Nothing but a piece of random usage of colors having equal probability of getting selected without any purpose,objective or pattern. It also saves the reviewer the pain of evaluating, understanding or comprehending the technicalities involved and he,just like the does, is free to induce any desirable random meaning out of the results. In short, the concept of randomness has allowed the intellectual mind to allow itself some ease without feeling guilty for not adopting a technically proven method. Isn't randomness just awesome!
But alas! Mankind was meant to be a cursed life and so it is. He goes about bringing complexities even in the sheer fact of randomness. He brings about a method to introduce randomness! From quantum mechanics to probabilistic techniques to ?Monte Carlo simulations, randomness, just like everything else in today's age has lost is pure state and what is left about is nothing but Pseudo. Well, what can I say? Let me just sum it up by manipulating the ever so famous line and say - Even though it is randomness, there is a method to it!
interesting point of view