Thursday, May 20, 2010


well this is not like an essay on the hobby of blogging..its jus a few things i tend to notice about people who blog from the way they blog..

for starters, there are 3 types of bloggers (keeping aside the professionals who blog as a means to earn sum cash n not just as a hobby): 1. Show Offs 2. The Abstracts 3. The Confused

The Show Offs: These are typically students or professionals running the rat race trying to outpace every1 arnd them by trying to show how very interesting their life is and how much they actually do with it! No doubt these blogs are one of the best reads with nice superfluous language, very nicely framed incidents (cos they are obviously written by the front-runners of the race), amazingly insightful abt themselves (or whteva it is they write abt) and often hilarious or atleast sarcastically funny. No personal grudge, but I often tend to find these as a conscious effort to write constantly to keep up the lead in the race than anything more.

The Abstracts: These are people who write on just abt anything under the sun. Again a very interesting read since these people tend to bring out a completely different perspective on how we see things arnd us in an extremely interesting manner. These articles mite just make you ponder over them even a while after you have read them up. A reflection of their writings, the people who post such articles are also quite interesting to knw. They are a world apart from the race runners, not overly interested in the rules of the world and don't often adhere to any single theme or pattern. These are the ones often addressed by some tend as the crazy creatives...I cal them the spice of human species.

The Confused: My favorite types (cos i include myself in this category ;)). They are non frequent, non regulars and non systematic. They tend to write only on occasions when they find sumthing extremely worth writing for. Though these also tend to write on anything under the sun in any form they find apt and without any theme or regularity, they do not often present creative fronts in their writings as well as the abstracts. Yet, their work sometimes turns out to be a pretty decent collage of various colors of life presented from a single person's perspective. Highly biased and opinionated yet a good read if you can digest it. On closer examination, they mite actually present a nice reflection of the blogger's personality itself.

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