A moment is all it takes to change u completely.
You mite strt off d normal day assuming it 2 go completely as expected..but who knws how it mite eventually end...a notoriously unlucky day can actually turn out 2 b fortunate whn u get a surprise phonecall frm tht spl sum1 u've always waited 4..or on d othr hand a seemingly happy day can b ruined by d most unexpected harsh opinion of sum1...2day cud b 1 such day
It may strt off as a day u'd been lukin forward 2 for quite sum while..little do u knw tht it wil change u completely. U may b super excited abt sumthin..may hav planned for it all of d previous nite..u set off abt d day as optimistically as u can b..cherish every moment of it..await wid a restless heart 4 d moment tht makes d day so spl 2 u...u go abt d chores as patiently as u can..thr r small set backs here n thr..but ur so happy abt d cumin moment tht u ignore them as 1 mite ignore a fly..d day passes n d moment comes closer..it finally arrives...
Alas...it turns out d exact opposite of wht u'd dreamt it 2 be..
Neva had d thot of such an outcum even crossed ur mind...u'd been so sure abt it...how cud it happen! such a thing canot b happenin 2 u..how can u b so wrng abt it...d 1 thing u'd most awaited 4 turns out 2 b d worst of ur nightmares..u recheck 2 c if u'd gone wrng sumwhr..anywhr...but u cant figure anythin...a set back so harsh it leaves u numb..d least of all expected result of d 1 thing u'd loved most..d thing u'd cared most 4..given ur heart and soul to..it leaves u disappoited..heart-broken..shattered...
Wht do u do? Wht 2 think? wht not to? whr did u fail? wht went wrng? whn u fail 2 answer dese...u decide 2 stop lukin bak...n luk forward. to d times tht r goin 2 giv u d same hopes again...n u decide 2 neva lead urself 2 d same lane again..eva..u begin 2 luk at things differently..in a way u dun lik either...but u cant seem 2 lik anythin now..u get hateful abt everythin arnd u...u begin 2 despise everythin related 2 d misfortune caused 2 u...u wanna destroy everythin tht lead u 2 here...u strt doubtin urself..n othrs..4 wht they'd eva said 2 u...did they mean it even 4 1ce? was it all fake? was all tht u thot as gud all dis while was jus an illusion? Or things jus changed overnite?
U mite neva hav d answers 4 all dese...time will play its role n u wil move on...but everytime u wil luk bak in time..u mite find sumthin amiss..things will get normal in due course of time n ur wounds may heal.. but d fact shall stay...tht ur different now..d fact remains tht tht sumthin in u is lost 4eva..n shall neva cum bak again..Its lost 4eva
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