Just today i came across an article written by a dear friend of mine on her blog..it spoke about legalizing drugs and making them freely available in d market with statutory warnings mentioned on them. A very unique thought i must say..although here's what i personally think about it...
what crap! not the article..i must say its very very well written..but d opinion! sucks!!! let me tel u 1 thing... u should b contributing towards making d world a better place n ELIMINATE d evils..rather than make them available freely! u think about dis...if we go ahead n ban drugs or somehow figure out a way 2 eradicate it..then d next generation wont know how it feels 2 have them. So they won't be dying to have them.
It works something like this..you don't know something exists..or you don't have anyone to tell you how it feels to have something..then you won't really be curious to have it yourself. Simple! Its in a way how vegetarians are never curious on having meat. They are not curious about knowing how it tastes..so they don't fall for the temptation.
In any case, once you realize something is not good for you (and i believe you do agree on that), you should be in a lookout to search for a means to avoid it and not for ways to allow them to others so they can know for themselves..albeit too late.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
A sweet complain...Or just a wish???
If only I could say to you
All that kept in the heart within
If only you could hear me out
All the words yet left unsaid
If only you could know me well
N know about how much I care
If only you could care as well
N show the feelings yet left unfelt
If only you could give to me
Those small pleasures I wait so long
If only you could do for me
Those little things yet left undone
If only you could come to me
N say it all and set it right
If only you could be with me
N spend the times yet left unspent
If only we could take the chance
N try and do it ll again
If only we can set it right
N make it last...For a lfetime...
All that kept in the heart within
If only you could hear me out
All the words yet left unsaid
If only you could know me well
N know about how much I care
If only you could care as well
N show the feelings yet left unfelt
If only you could give to me
Those small pleasures I wait so long
If only you could do for me
Those little things yet left undone
If only you could come to me
N say it all and set it right
If only you could be with me
N spend the times yet left unspent
If only we could take the chance
N try and do it ll again
If only we can set it right
N make it last...For a lfetime...
Monday, June 30, 2008
The parting....

My heart reaches out to you
Breaking the wordly bonds so strong
It would break up someday I never knew
But time and fate proved me wrong
Looking back at the times we spent
Brings about tears in my eyes
If a moment of love I could be lent
It'd mean me heaven, it ain't no lies
However now that you have to leave
Forget me not is all I say
You've been the one to make me believe
That come what may, our love will stay
Go away now, see me no more
Or your sight will make me cry
Your memories in my heart, I'll always adore
Yet to put up a smile, I promise I'll try
Friday, June 20, 2008
some things never change
sumthin goes wrng..u think its temporary..it'll go away..after all times do change, dont they?
u wait..u keep tryin..b patient..try n understand d situation..blame it on d circumstances..it'll go away..after all times do change, dont they?
ur patience n efforts finally pay off..things begin 2 seem better..it finaly begins 2 go ur way..u knew dis wud happen sumday..n now it has..after all times do change, dont they?
ur elated..feel on top of d world..dis is ur time..n ur gonna liv it 2 d fullest..again u try n make d most of it..for u neva knw whn it mite end..after all times do change dont they?
n thn..a small glitch..sumthin doesnt seem rt..nothin specific..nothin major..but sumwhr sumthings wrng..isnt it how it had all began d othr time?..is it gettin 2 b bad again? who knws..gud times mite not last 4eva..after all times do change, dont they?
it continues tht way..sign after sign..its gettin 2 b jus lik b4..yes..thts how its was..n thts how its goin 2 b..always..yes, times do change..but only temporarily..in d end..sum things always stay d same..sum things neva change
u wait..u keep tryin..b patient..try n understand d situation..blame it on d circumstances..it'll go away..after all times do change, dont they?
ur patience n efforts finally pay off..things begin 2 seem better..it finaly begins 2 go ur way..u knew dis wud happen sumday..n now it has..after all times do change, dont they?
ur elated..feel on top of d world..dis is ur time..n ur gonna liv it 2 d fullest..again u try n make d most of it..for u neva knw whn it mite end..after all times do change dont they?
n thn..a small glitch..sumthin doesnt seem rt..nothin specific..nothin major..but sumwhr sumthings wrng..isnt it how it had all began d othr time?..is it gettin 2 b bad again? who knws..gud times mite not last 4eva..after all times do change, dont they?
it continues tht way..sign after sign..its gettin 2 b jus lik b4..yes..thts how its was..n thts how its goin 2 b..always..yes, times do change..but only temporarily..in d end..sum things always stay d same..sum things neva change
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Jus go for it
The other day i read an article in the times that said something about a man who dropped out of school cos he realized the system isn’t worth it..but that didn`t stop him from moving ahead in life..he went ahead to pursue a course in photography, started his own ad agency, gotta knw d hard facts abt d glam world there n so moved on 2 farming, got ahead wid it n tured an environmentalist....
Today, irrespective of wht he is, he has d content of tryin out wht he always wanted 2.. he din quit lik most of us do...neither was he scared of pursuin his dreams...
Now think abt dis...how many of us have d guts 2 do tht? i can bet 99% of us curse atleast sumthing abt d system each day...b it about d traffic or politics...or ur education system or office management....but..how many times in all dis while hav u given a thot 2 doin sumthin abt it? 4get doin sumthin abt stuff arnd u..how many times ha u dun sumthin 4 ur ownself? sumthin u always wanted 2 do? relive d feel u had whn u 1st tried out sumthin new..a new haircurt..a tattoo..ur 1st rollercostrer ride..feel d rush..dont u feel lik feelin d same 4 ur alltime dreams? thn y arent u goin 4 it? ask urself dis 1 ques b4 judgin stuff arnd u...
For 1ce in ur life ask urself wht is holdin u bak frm livin ur dreams? wht r u scared of ? fear of failure? wel..every1 does tht..failing..rather learnin frm ur failure is d 1st step 2 succcess...or r u scared of goin d unconventional way? thn i'd jus say tht uniqueness is a virtue...
dare 2 believe in urself...dare to do it..trust ur instinct 4 just 1ce..n i guarantee u..u shall not regret it..dare 2 dream..dare 2 live...
Today, irrespective of wht he is, he has d content of tryin out wht he always wanted 2.. he din quit lik most of us do...neither was he scared of pursuin his dreams...
Now think abt dis...how many of us have d guts 2 do tht? i can bet 99% of us curse atleast sumthing abt d system each day...b it about d traffic or politics...or ur education system or office management....but..how many times in all dis while hav u given a thot 2 doin sumthin abt it? 4get doin sumthin abt stuff arnd u..how many times ha u dun sumthin 4 ur ownself? sumthin u always wanted 2 do? relive d feel u had whn u 1st tried out sumthin new..a new haircurt..a tattoo..ur 1st rollercostrer ride..feel d rush..dont u feel lik feelin d same 4 ur alltime dreams? thn y arent u goin 4 it? ask urself dis 1 ques b4 judgin stuff arnd u...
For 1ce in ur life ask urself wht is holdin u bak frm livin ur dreams? wht r u scared of ? fear of failure? wel..every1 does tht..failing..rather learnin frm ur failure is d 1st step 2 succcess...or r u scared of goin d unconventional way? thn i'd jus say tht uniqueness is a virtue...
dare 2 believe in urself...dare to do it..trust ur instinct 4 just 1ce..n i guarantee u..u shall not regret it..dare 2 dream..dare 2 live...
D Endless Road...
eva had a feelin of stagnancy...of loss..of tryin ur best 2 get tht 1 thing u most wanted..n luck failin u each time? of pushin hard every time..yet stayin aput rt whr u r? thy r dese moments tht make u wanna giv up...d true test of nerves tht seperates d real mann frm d crowd...
testin times r a part n parcel of every1's life...sum 2 grave 2 handle..a time whn nothin goes ur way..whn all hell breaks loose on u...n u feel lik ur on a highway 2 hell...u lose ur morale..ur patience..ur beliefs n more so ur trust..d very trust tht binds u 2gethr n keeps u up thru times of trials..u lose d hope of any gud cumin ur way sooner or later n lose urself in utter despair..it wasnt as hopeles as it seemed..but 2 u it strts seemin lik a dead end..a maze wid no way out..
but its wudnt entirely b ur fault...its d way it is...its a way of nature 2 test its children..a harsh way 2 make its beings stonger..its d way parents push u n beat u up 2 whn ur little so u can grow up 2 face d harsh world wid d rt attitude..its a way 2 prepare u 4 d way ahead..so d rest of d road is made clearer..u set d 1st step..He takes care of d rest..a pinch of hope is all u need 2 get u thru..
so lose not tht hope..savour every bit of it..4 who knws..whn u mite need a drop of it?
testin times r a part n parcel of every1's life...sum 2 grave 2 handle..a time whn nothin goes ur way..whn all hell breaks loose on u...n u feel lik ur on a highway 2 hell...u lose ur morale..ur patience..ur beliefs n more so ur trust..d very trust tht binds u 2gethr n keeps u up thru times of trials..u lose d hope of any gud cumin ur way sooner or later n lose urself in utter despair..it wasnt as hopeles as it seemed..but 2 u it strts seemin lik a dead end..a maze wid no way out..
but its wudnt entirely b ur fault...its d way it is...its a way of nature 2 test its children..a harsh way 2 make its beings stonger..its d way parents push u n beat u up 2 whn ur little so u can grow up 2 face d harsh world wid d rt attitude..its a way 2 prepare u 4 d way ahead..so d rest of d road is made clearer..u set d 1st step..He takes care of d rest..a pinch of hope is all u need 2 get u thru..
so lose not tht hope..savour every bit of it..4 who knws..whn u mite need a drop of it?
Thursday, June 12, 2008
our story... (part 4)
7th Sem
The final season of a memorable series.
Enter: the new HOD : AJ.
The case: Although our relationship was limited to just the one year he made the maximum impact in our lives.
He was supposed to teach us only CSM however he ended up teaching us about life and living , morals and hardwork and ofcourse ‘samay ki maryada’ . Putting the same in a positive way : He was a teacher and not merely a lecturer. The only one who tried his best to finish the portion. And His cabin was like this land of no return. You enter by your own wish(or rather compulsion) but leave by his (and only his). When u came out u felt like it was a brand new day.
There were a few more weird cases this sem…like a magician for a professor ( we were al scared that if didn’t do pracs she would turn us into frogs)..and of course Brijesh sir who jus gave away all the questions with solutions just a day before the mid term!
By now the class had been internally fragmented however we remained externally united. Final project groups were formed accordingly : some expected n some out of choice! Mention of projects would be incomplete without mentioning what we contributed to the college: 5 Linux PCs (now that’s a different thing the system crashed a zillion times before the setup!) All guides were keen on making the groups work..but the class stayed unperturbed (which basically meant they wouldn’t shun their art of copying.even here!)
There were a couple of bright sides as well to this sem—like the MBA exams where a few peple did really well.
However the biggest attraction was unbeatably the printing of DJIT t-shirts.
The case: Excitement..creativity..hype..contreversies…you name it ..it was all there.
The outcome: the efforts paid off. A really well designed t-shirt signifying everything that the class was.
At the end of this sem everyone was really excited about the forthcoming last sem..but very well aware of the fact no1 wanted to accept…the end was here.
8th Sem: jan 2008- jun 2008
The end IS here.
Most ppl have had enuf of engg. So dis sem was more lik a test of patience. Wid attendance made compulsory college was more lik a forced thing rather thn fun. But d class managed to work their way.
The scene: Goa trip A badly neded break.
The case: A very well organized trip (thnx 2 d trip comitee…cheers!!!)
Superfun super blast super rockin (bad food tho!) but a really memorable time of their lives tht no1 wil eva 4get.
The outcome: d class had finally taken d system in their own hands (hope u recollect…)
Dis was followed by sum more fun. D class wanted 2 make d best of whteva lil time they had left wid them.
The scene: sports dy
The case: d class tried 2 showcase their athletic skills with d game of cricket.
The outcome: E4A grabbed d title of d best team (others say it was jus fluke :P)
Thn came d nominations 4 awards which lik always was accompanied by lotsa contrevarsies. Thr was real tough competition 4 a few categories..while thr were othr few categories which were seriouslty avoided by d crwd.
Thn ofcourse came a time every1 dreaded d most- d farewell. Well not exactly a farewell but d 1st of many 2 follow. Hidden emotions surfaced. After a hard time partyin d atmosphere did turn slightly emotional 2wards d end. Hugs were exchanged, goodbyes were said. D only hope- thr was stil sumtime left 2 go.
The scene: Final vivas
The subject: DWM
The case: a prof comes ON TIME 2 take d vivas. Half a batch finsh vivas in les thn an hr. dis was d 1st sign of abnormality. N it did turn out 2 b so. The prof was frm comps dept n was neva meant 2 take d vivas in d st place!
The outcome: arnd 15 ppl end up givin an extra viva 4 no fault of theirs!
Dis was obviously followd by project vivas nfinal theory exams. N o---wht a relief!!!
The class an engineer now.
Well dis was d story of 72 ppl-who formed d class of DJIT 2008-a class apart.
And now tht we hafta say the final goodbye-not knowing wht lies ahead of us, or how many of dese 72 faces we shall b seein again 1 thing tht shall remain unchanged r d memories we have shared 2gether-moments of joys n sorrows, fun n trouble-moments tht shall stay wid us 4 lifetime.
The final season of a memorable series.
Enter: the new HOD : AJ.
The case: Although our relationship was limited to just the one year he made the maximum impact in our lives.
He was supposed to teach us only CSM however he ended up teaching us about life and living , morals and hardwork and ofcourse ‘samay ki maryada’ . Putting the same in a positive way : He was a teacher and not merely a lecturer. The only one who tried his best to finish the portion. And His cabin was like this land of no return. You enter by your own wish(or rather compulsion) but leave by his (and only his). When u came out u felt like it was a brand new day.
There were a few more weird cases this sem…like a magician for a professor ( we were al scared that if didn’t do pracs she would turn us into frogs)..and of course Brijesh sir who jus gave away all the questions with solutions just a day before the mid term!
By now the class had been internally fragmented however we remained externally united. Final project groups were formed accordingly : some expected n some out of choice! Mention of projects would be incomplete without mentioning what we contributed to the college: 5 Linux PCs (now that’s a different thing the system crashed a zillion times before the setup!) All guides were keen on making the groups work..but the class stayed unperturbed (which basically meant they wouldn’t shun their art of copying.even here!)
There were a couple of bright sides as well to this sem—like the MBA exams where a few peple did really well.
However the biggest attraction was unbeatably the printing of DJIT t-shirts.
The case: Excitement..creativity..hype..contreversies…you name it ..it was all there.
The outcome: the efforts paid off. A really well designed t-shirt signifying everything that the class was.
At the end of this sem everyone was really excited about the forthcoming last sem..but very well aware of the fact no1 wanted to accept…the end was here.
8th Sem: jan 2008- jun 2008
The end IS here.
Most ppl have had enuf of engg. So dis sem was more lik a test of patience. Wid attendance made compulsory college was more lik a forced thing rather thn fun. But d class managed to work their way.
The scene: Goa trip A badly neded break.
The case: A very well organized trip (thnx 2 d trip comitee…cheers!!!)
Superfun super blast super rockin (bad food tho!) but a really memorable time of their lives tht no1 wil eva 4get.
The outcome: d class had finally taken d system in their own hands (hope u recollect…)
Dis was followed by sum more fun. D class wanted 2 make d best of whteva lil time they had left wid them.
The scene: sports dy
The case: d class tried 2 showcase their athletic skills with d game of cricket.
The outcome: E4A grabbed d title of d best team (others say it was jus fluke :P)
Thn came d nominations 4 awards which lik always was accompanied by lotsa contrevarsies. Thr was real tough competition 4 a few categories..while thr were othr few categories which were seriouslty avoided by d crwd.
Thn ofcourse came a time every1 dreaded d most- d farewell. Well not exactly a farewell but d 1st of many 2 follow. Hidden emotions surfaced. After a hard time partyin d atmosphere did turn slightly emotional 2wards d end. Hugs were exchanged, goodbyes were said. D only hope- thr was stil sumtime left 2 go.
The scene: Final vivas
The subject: DWM
The case: a prof comes ON TIME 2 take d vivas. Half a batch finsh vivas in les thn an hr. dis was d 1st sign of abnormality. N it did turn out 2 b so. The prof was frm comps dept n was neva meant 2 take d vivas in d st place!
The outcome: arnd 15 ppl end up givin an extra viva 4 no fault of theirs!
Dis was obviously followd by project vivas nfinal theory exams. N o---wht a relief!!!
The class an engineer now.
Well dis was d story of 72 ppl-who formed d class of DJIT 2008-a class apart.
And now tht we hafta say the final goodbye-not knowing wht lies ahead of us, or how many of dese 72 faces we shall b seein again 1 thing tht shall remain unchanged r d memories we have shared 2gether-moments of joys n sorrows, fun n trouble-moments tht shall stay wid us 4 lifetime.
our story... (part 3)
5th Sem:
Most people would consider this as their favourite sem . The most memorible by far .It changed the face of our class. It began with a bang...Making groups for CPL mini project. New friends suddenly emerged. To add to that some people were taking the GRE. It was all smoke widout fire really cause barely anyone actually did the project themselves. Those who did do it themselves found it to be an enriching experience (in more ways than one).
The 'next big thing' was PCT .
Case 1: the group (eventually class) discussions , Personal Interviews and other such sessions got our confidence going. And for the big finish we had a group presentation and reports. We learnt a great deal about working as a team (ok some of usreally did!). Actually we had an even bigger finish to the big finish ...
Case 2:The 'Thank You' speeches for our dear teacher ... completely heart-felt (proof:hand on the heart). We all shared a 'moment'
Case 3: Another defining moment was the midterm when GRE ppl outscored those who attended the whole sem and taught them one day prior. The 'essence' of engineering. The finale was the panic of submitting CPL project : People running helter scelter to Jude and back , Others deciding what to show and what not , and a few wondering how to display score in a Chess Game !!!
Case 4: And ofcourse how can the sem be complete without the mention of Kriti ma’am! Someone really outstanding-at dressing up obviously!
All in all a sem to be remembered : A sem of real bonding and the beginning of new things. It had done its bit by sowing the seeds for the last chapter of our story.
6th Sem:
Things had changed now. But not the combined birthday treats. Most people will remember this sem as the one with maximum to study(6 subjects + viva/Pracs).
But the Nainitaal trip had provided a perfect break. This was the sem when our forum offcially came into existance . And oh dear the gossip forum caused such an earthquake. It became so degrading due to pent up anger that it had to be eventually locked.
Speaking of the subjects few of them stand out: Microprocessors. We had 3 different teachers and of course OOAD in which our prof wasnt allowed in the lift cause he could not convince our liftman that he wasnt a student. ITA was funny too. We just refused to enter the labs for pracs with 'Prof Chintan' despite his constant pleading.
And then there were the DSP vivas with dracula(red hair external). She actually threatened to fail people. At the end of that we had our placements: Tcs, Infosys , Accenture and others which left us in mixed emotions as if it was all going to end soon.
Most people would consider this as their favourite sem . The most memorible by far .It changed the face of our class. It began with a bang...Making groups for CPL mini project. New friends suddenly emerged. To add to that some people were taking the GRE. It was all smoke widout fire really cause barely anyone actually did the project themselves. Those who did do it themselves found it to be an enriching experience (in more ways than one).
The 'next big thing' was PCT .
Case 1: the group (eventually class) discussions , Personal Interviews and other such sessions got our confidence going. And for the big finish we had a group presentation and reports. We learnt a great deal about working as a team (ok some of usreally did!). Actually we had an even bigger finish to the big finish ...
Case 2:The 'Thank You' speeches for our dear teacher ... completely heart-felt (proof:hand on the heart). We all shared a 'moment'
Case 3: Another defining moment was the midterm when GRE ppl outscored those who attended the whole sem and taught them one day prior. The 'essence' of engineering. The finale was the panic of submitting CPL project : People running helter scelter to Jude and back , Others deciding what to show and what not , and a few wondering how to display score in a Chess Game !!!
Case 4: And ofcourse how can the sem be complete without the mention of Kriti ma’am! Someone really outstanding-at dressing up obviously!
All in all a sem to be remembered : A sem of real bonding and the beginning of new things. It had done its bit by sowing the seeds for the last chapter of our story.
6th Sem:
Things had changed now. But not the combined birthday treats. Most people will remember this sem as the one with maximum to study(6 subjects + viva/Pracs).
But the Nainitaal trip had provided a perfect break. This was the sem when our forum offcially came into existance . And oh dear the gossip forum caused such an earthquake. It became so degrading due to pent up anger that it had to be eventually locked.
Speaking of the subjects few of them stand out: Microprocessors. We had 3 different teachers and of course OOAD in which our prof wasnt allowed in the lift cause he could not convince our liftman that he wasnt a student. ITA was funny too. We just refused to enter the labs for pracs with 'Prof Chintan' despite his constant pleading.
And then there were the DSP vivas with dracula(red hair external). She actually threatened to fail people. At the end of that we had our placements: Tcs, Infosys , Accenture and others which left us in mixed emotions as if it was all going to end soon.
our story... (part 2)
3rd sem: jun 2005-dec 2005
Come 3rd sem n it was time for a dozen more to join d troop. Yes- Enter: the diploma crowd. As if 60 werent enuf now thr were a full 72 of them. Some blended instantly whiole sum tuk a while. But the fact stay- the strength has increased. 3rd sem proved 2 b a sem whr ppl’s nerdy instincts ca,e forth. Tutorials tuk up mst of the time. Hut here also the folks were nt 2 b let down n they showcased theirability of goupwork. Thr were DS tuts by ‘Ranjana ma’am’ who cud neva decisde wheter rthe tuts were a genuine assignment or a class test or jus sum piece of homework neva meant to be completed. N spkin of profs thr was quite a bunch of wierdos here as well. Be it Ranjana maa’m who kept arguing wid 1 student intent on provin her wrng, or jigna whose pracs n vivas were an experience in themselves. Thn of course thr was DLDA maam trupti“ (or gapppi as d class luved 2 cal her) who wud sumhow figure out a way 2 cut short d lec..even if it meant lafin her guts out widout a reason n sendin laughter riots all over.
Mention of tuts wud remain incomplete widout mentin of mr chaware (he deserves the award 4 tesachin d most borin subs thuout d course). 1 dreadful tutorial of his was d day entire mum wud neva 4get- 26th of july 2005.
26th july 2005: Location: room 61
Lecturer: chaware
Tuts: FIT
The scene: Mumbai is flooded due to heavy rains. Trains hav stopped workin. Roads r blocked. But mr chaware wont cut short d tuts cum wht may!
The outcome: 10s of ppl get stranded. Many hafta spend d nite in col-widout electricity. Some even had n exp of cats n mice in d building. 1 of d victim reported 2 b mr chaware himself.
4th sem: jan 2006- jun 2006
Beg of 4th sem marked a very imp time in lives of these ppl.their 1st outdoor trip as a class-the simla trip
Excitement filled every1 2 d core. The 1st major trip-delhi simla kufri. But not all dat sparkles is gold. Disasters weren’t far off.
The 1st case:
Location: delhi
Scene: sum1 gets chicken pox
The outcome: ppl panic in a jiffy. He is rushed 2 d airport. A few begin doubtin their own vaccination regimes. The scene continued even after returnin…leavin arnd 7 oths infected.
Case 2:
Location : simla
Day: d dAy b4 kufri.
The scene: a cpl of pl catch cold-or rather a milder version of hypothermia.
The outcome: those lucky few get all d pamperin frm d gals (n a bit of booze of course ;) )
As if d trip wasn’t enuf-d treat sessions began dis very sem. This was followed by various events in d fests-most ppl turned event heads-infact so many tht participants were doubtful :P.
Anyways now tht d notorious minds had nurtured their leadership skills, they moved ahead 2 apply them & who cud serve as better bakras thn d profs themselves!
D 1st bakra: Snehal Bhosle
Sub: DSP
The case: a scary ma’am wid a really nasty attitude
D Outcome: 72 ppl reported cases of mental torture n emotional harassment.
2nd bakra: K K SinghSub: DSA
The case: A prof who luved the so called ‘tea’ algorithm n was simply fond of givin really whacky examples.
3rd bakra: Meera Narvekar
Sub: DSA
The case: sum1 who tried to present herself as really stern n regular wid her work
The outcome: well—wht 2 say..those assignments r pendin till date.
Come 3rd sem n it was time for a dozen more to join d troop. Yes- Enter: the diploma crowd. As if 60 werent enuf now thr were a full 72 of them. Some blended instantly whiole sum tuk a while. But the fact stay- the strength has increased. 3rd sem proved 2 b a sem whr ppl’s nerdy instincts ca,e forth. Tutorials tuk up mst of the time. Hut here also the folks were nt 2 b let down n they showcased theirability of goupwork. Thr were DS tuts by ‘Ranjana ma’am’ who cud neva decisde wheter rthe tuts were a genuine assignment or a class test or jus sum piece of homework neva meant to be completed. N spkin of profs thr was quite a bunch of wierdos here as well. Be it Ranjana maa’m who kept arguing wid 1 student intent on provin her wrng, or jigna whose pracs n vivas were an experience in themselves. Thn of course thr was DLDA maam trupti“ (or gapppi as d class luved 2 cal her) who wud sumhow figure out a way 2 cut short d lec..even if it meant lafin her guts out widout a reason n sendin laughter riots all over.
Mention of tuts wud remain incomplete widout mentin of mr chaware (he deserves the award 4 tesachin d most borin subs thuout d course). 1 dreadful tutorial of his was d day entire mum wud neva 4get- 26th of july 2005.
26th july 2005: Location: room 61
Lecturer: chaware
Tuts: FIT
The scene: Mumbai is flooded due to heavy rains. Trains hav stopped workin. Roads r blocked. But mr chaware wont cut short d tuts cum wht may!
The outcome: 10s of ppl get stranded. Many hafta spend d nite in col-widout electricity. Some even had n exp of cats n mice in d building. 1 of d victim reported 2 b mr chaware himself.
4th sem: jan 2006- jun 2006
Beg of 4th sem marked a very imp time in lives of these ppl.their 1st outdoor trip as a class-the simla trip
Excitement filled every1 2 d core. The 1st major trip-delhi simla kufri. But not all dat sparkles is gold. Disasters weren’t far off.
The 1st case:
Location: delhi
Scene: sum1 gets chicken pox
The outcome: ppl panic in a jiffy. He is rushed 2 d airport. A few begin doubtin their own vaccination regimes. The scene continued even after returnin…leavin arnd 7 oths infected.
Case 2:
Location : simla
Day: d dAy b4 kufri.
The scene: a cpl of pl catch cold-or rather a milder version of hypothermia.
The outcome: those lucky few get all d pamperin frm d gals (n a bit of booze of course ;) )
As if d trip wasn’t enuf-d treat sessions began dis very sem. This was followed by various events in d fests-most ppl turned event heads-infact so many tht participants were doubtful :P.
Anyways now tht d notorious minds had nurtured their leadership skills, they moved ahead 2 apply them & who cud serve as better bakras thn d profs themselves!
D 1st bakra: Snehal Bhosle
Sub: DSP
The case: a scary ma’am wid a really nasty attitude
D Outcome: 72 ppl reported cases of mental torture n emotional harassment.
2nd bakra: K K SinghSub: DSA
The case: A prof who luved the so called ‘tea’ algorithm n was simply fond of givin really whacky examples.
3rd bakra: Meera Narvekar
Sub: DSA
The case: sum1 who tried to present herself as really stern n regular wid her work
The outcome: well—wht 2 say..those assignments r pendin till date.
our story.... (part 1)
1st Sem : jun 2004- dec2004
The dawn of an era. An era filled with excitement, anxiety , greed , betrayal , blithe , joy ,sorrows , violence , boredom and the occassional fortnightly cramming.
It all began on this seemingly beautiful, pleasant day of August 2004...the day that changed the lives of 72 people-forever.
The scene: 6 storied white structure with half the floors under renovation, with a bigger car park than a campus, a classroom for a library and a passage for a canteen (though i have to admit most of it has changed now to allow a wi-fi enabled library and air conditioned classrooms).
The stage: A three walled room with a wooden door partition substituting for the 4th. A point necessary to be mentioned here is the opening of the partition into the reading room (which later served as a hidout for those escaping from the torturous lectures).
The cast: News had it that the class was filled with supposedly braniacs (who seemed wierd at first...and most of them still do).
And now the drama begins...
It all began pleasantly..meeting new people; making new friends; exploring the campus; a smooth start to the new chapter of life..of course with the exception of the proffessors warning us to not take the course lightly. well..as if we ever take heed of the advices. It had barely been two weeks in college when the trend that DJ is well known for began-the DJ nites. And the first in line was obviously the freshers party. well..what do I say about it..a perfectly well organised affair with dinner of course.....beginning in the canteen and ending in the workshop!!! What a way to begin it all.
This was then followed by an endless series of unforgettable events. Lots of people...i mean 'professors'.. got screwed. The first in the queue was "MAHAJAN". A remarkable man to say. Called h2so4 as hydrochloric acid. and assignments..oh lets not get started about them. There was an incident when a massbunk was planned for his lecture and everyone found shelter in the hideout as we mentioned before. Unfortunatelly, the devil hunted them all down..one by one. Anyways, it didnt last for long cos..we got him fired. Yes. 60 signatures on a piece of paper; a bakra in the form of CR..and bang..off he goes. But yeah..one thing he did contribute before leaving- he introduced the class to a place called "Pappillon". The second hunt was his replacement: "Mr. Seturaman". A soft spoken old fellow who loved to smoke and used a ringtone of "Saare jahaan se achha" in his cellphone. He didnt need to last for long since the sem was appproaching its end.
As November drew closer the sword of exams hung over our heads. The monster by the name of mechanics almost chopped our heads off. Thankfully most of us managed to sail through the trouble in the coming months.
A pretty..lets call it "eventful" start to the four year journey. I guess this sem pretty much gave us an idea as to what lay ahead. Little did we know that life can take a turn anytime..any moment.
2nd Sem: jan 2005- jun 2005
The 2nd semester somehow managed to have mercy upon us and showed us a lighter side of engineering.Sparing the workshop sessions (where all the donkeywork had to be done by the poor guys of the class while the girls had all the previledges) the sem proved to be a pleasant one. There were the CS on the spot and two minute speeches which got as wierd and whacky as one can imagine anything to be. One thing it showed was that the class had a talent and taste: for CRAZY stuff! Man what speeches! and that wasnt all. It was followed by the first official presentation by the students. the topic: Laser. Impressive to say (that is if we leave aside the problems there were in installing the laptops and projectors and making them compatible). Succesful eventually (after 4 failed sessions ofcourse!). Then came the first first class outing. A movie intended to be a thriller but ended up being a comedy thanks to 2 girls screaming at the silliest attempts of the director to scare the audience. Well..what to say..atleast there was the beginning of a bonding as we call it. This became more evident on the first traditional day of the class. A lunch at Woodlands spent playing musical chairs al over the restaurant and ordering oversized dosas which eventually had to be parcelled for everyone was too full to have any more of them.the end was great as well for around 50% of the class managed a distinction. This came as a pleasant surprise espescially after the expirience pof the 1st sem. Relief joy bliss..you name it it was all there on that day of results.
To sum it up..atleast one thing was sure now: that we will be able to survive.
The dawn of an era. An era filled with excitement, anxiety , greed , betrayal , blithe , joy ,sorrows , violence , boredom and the occassional fortnightly cramming.
It all began on this seemingly beautiful, pleasant day of August 2004...the day that changed the lives of 72 people-forever.
The scene: 6 storied white structure with half the floors under renovation, with a bigger car park than a campus, a classroom for a library and a passage for a canteen (though i have to admit most of it has changed now to allow a wi-fi enabled library and air conditioned classrooms).
The stage: A three walled room with a wooden door partition substituting for the 4th. A point necessary to be mentioned here is the opening of the partition into the reading room (which later served as a hidout for those escaping from the torturous lectures).
The cast: News had it that the class was filled with supposedly braniacs (who seemed wierd at first...and most of them still do).
And now the drama begins...
It all began pleasantly..meeting new people; making new friends; exploring the campus; a smooth start to the new chapter of life..of course with the exception of the proffessors warning us to not take the course lightly. well..as if we ever take heed of the advices. It had barely been two weeks in college when the trend that DJ is well known for began-the DJ nites. And the first in line was obviously the freshers party. well..what do I say about it..a perfectly well organised affair with dinner of course.....beginning in the canteen and ending in the workshop!!! What a way to begin it all.
This was then followed by an endless series of unforgettable events. Lots of people...i mean 'professors'.. got screwed. The first in the queue was "MAHAJAN". A remarkable man to say. Called h2so4 as hydrochloric acid. and assignments..oh lets not get started about them. There was an incident when a massbunk was planned for his lecture and everyone found shelter in the hideout as we mentioned before. Unfortunatelly, the devil hunted them all down..one by one. Anyways, it didnt last for long cos..we got him fired. Yes. 60 signatures on a piece of paper; a bakra in the form of CR..and bang..off he goes. But yeah..one thing he did contribute before leaving- he introduced the class to a place called "Pappillon". The second hunt was his replacement: "Mr. Seturaman". A soft spoken old fellow who loved to smoke and used a ringtone of "Saare jahaan se achha" in his cellphone. He didnt need to last for long since the sem was appproaching its end.
As November drew closer the sword of exams hung over our heads. The monster by the name of mechanics almost chopped our heads off. Thankfully most of us managed to sail through the trouble in the coming months.
A pretty..lets call it "eventful" start to the four year journey. I guess this sem pretty much gave us an idea as to what lay ahead. Little did we know that life can take a turn anytime..any moment.
2nd Sem: jan 2005- jun 2005
The 2nd semester somehow managed to have mercy upon us and showed us a lighter side of engineering.Sparing the workshop sessions (where all the donkeywork had to be done by the poor guys of the class while the girls had all the previledges) the sem proved to be a pleasant one. There were the CS on the spot and two minute speeches which got as wierd and whacky as one can imagine anything to be. One thing it showed was that the class had a talent and taste: for CRAZY stuff! Man what speeches! and that wasnt all. It was followed by the first official presentation by the students. the topic: Laser. Impressive to say (that is if we leave aside the problems there were in installing the laptops and projectors and making them compatible). Succesful eventually (after 4 failed sessions ofcourse!). Then came the first first class outing. A movie intended to be a thriller but ended up being a comedy thanks to 2 girls screaming at the silliest attempts of the director to scare the audience. Well..what to say..atleast there was the beginning of a bonding as we call it. This became more evident on the first traditional day of the class. A lunch at Woodlands spent playing musical chairs al over the restaurant and ordering oversized dosas which eventually had to be parcelled for everyone was too full to have any more of them.the end was great as well for around 50% of the class managed a distinction. This came as a pleasant surprise espescially after the expirience pof the 1st sem. Relief joy bliss..you name it it was all there on that day of results.
To sum it up..atleast one thing was sure now: that we will be able to survive.
Friday, February 22, 2008
the drop
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
The Change...

A moment is all it takes to change u completely.
You mite strt off d normal day assuming it 2 go completely as expected..but who knws how it mite eventually end...a notoriously unlucky day can actually turn out 2 b fortunate whn u get a surprise phonecall frm tht spl sum1 u've always waited 4..or on d othr hand a seemingly happy day can b ruined by d most unexpected harsh opinion of sum1...2day cud b 1 such day
It may strt off as a day u'd been lukin forward 2 for quite sum while..little do u knw tht it wil change u completely. U may b super excited abt sumthin..may hav planned for it all of d previous nite..u set off abt d day as optimistically as u can b..cherish every moment of it..await wid a restless heart 4 d moment tht makes d day so spl 2 u...u go abt d chores as patiently as u can..thr r small set backs here n thr..but ur so happy abt d cumin moment tht u ignore them as 1 mite ignore a fly..d day passes n d moment comes closer..it finally arrives...
Alas...it turns out d exact opposite of wht u'd dreamt it 2 be..
Neva had d thot of such an outcum even crossed ur mind...u'd been so sure abt it...how cud it happen! such a thing canot b happenin 2 u..how can u b so wrng abt it...d 1 thing u'd most awaited 4 turns out 2 b d worst of ur nightmares..u recheck 2 c if u'd gone wrng sumwhr..anywhr...but u cant figure anythin...a set back so harsh it leaves u numb..d least of all expected result of d 1 thing u'd loved most..d thing u'd cared most 4..given ur heart and soul to..it leaves u disappoited..heart-broken..shattered...
Wht do u do? Wht 2 think? wht not to? whr did u fail? wht went wrng? whn u fail 2 answer dese...u decide 2 stop lukin bak...n luk forward. to d times tht r goin 2 giv u d same hopes again...n u decide 2 neva lead urself 2 d same lane again..eva..u begin 2 luk at things differently..in a way u dun lik either...but u cant seem 2 lik anythin now..u get hateful abt everythin arnd u...u begin 2 despise everythin related 2 d misfortune caused 2 u...u wanna destroy everythin tht lead u 2 here...u strt doubtin urself..n othrs..4 wht they'd eva said 2 u...did they mean it even 4 1ce? was it all fake? was all tht u thot as gud all dis while was jus an illusion? Or things jus changed overnite?
U mite neva hav d answers 4 all dese...time will play its role n u wil move on...but everytime u wil luk bak in time..u mite find sumthin amiss..things will get normal in due course of time n ur wounds may heal.. but d fact shall stay...tht ur different now..d fact remains tht tht sumthin in u is lost 4eva..n shall neva cum bak again..Its lost 4eva
Friday, January 18, 2008
Ma 1st 1........

Lost in the world of loneliness
My heart can find not its pace
With only darkness ahead of me
And no more trust left in thee
Running about here and there
Like a blind man lost my stare
Lost its feelings from heart and soul
Even in crowds my heart is lone
The sparkle of stars means cheer no more
As for you my thoughts are sore
In nothing at all i find my pleasure
Emptiness is left as my only treasure
As the days of life get on to mount
Moments of moanness have lost their count
Yet for a ray of light to approach my gate
Hoping for happiness I wish and wait.....
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