7th Sem
The final season of a memorable series.
Enter: the new HOD : AJ.
The case: Although our relationship was limited to just the one year he made the maximum impact in our lives.
He was supposed to teach us only CSM however he ended up teaching us about life and living , morals and hardwork and ofcourse ‘samay ki maryada’ . Putting the same in a positive way : He was a teacher and not merely a lecturer. The only one who tried his best to finish the portion. And His cabin was like this land of no return. You enter by your own wish(or rather compulsion) but leave by his (and only his). When u came out u felt like it was a brand new day.
There were a few more weird cases this sem…like a magician for a professor ( we were al scared that if didn’t do pracs she would turn us into frogs)..and of course Brijesh sir who jus gave away all the questions with solutions just a day before the mid term!
By now the class had been internally fragmented however we remained externally united. Final project groups were formed accordingly : some expected n some out of choice! Mention of projects would be incomplete without mentioning what we contributed to the college: 5 Linux PCs (now that’s a different thing the system crashed a zillion times before the setup!) All guides were keen on making the groups work..but the class stayed unperturbed (which basically meant they wouldn’t shun their art of copying.even here!)
There were a couple of bright sides as well to this sem—like the MBA exams where a few peple did really well.
However the biggest attraction was unbeatably the printing of DJIT t-shirts.
The case: Excitement..creativity..hype..contreversies…you name it ..it was all there.
The outcome: the efforts paid off. A really well designed t-shirt signifying everything that the class was.
At the end of this sem everyone was really excited about the forthcoming last sem..but very well aware of the fact no1 wanted to accept…the end was here.
8th Sem: jan 2008- jun 2008
The end IS here.
Most ppl have had enuf of engg. So dis sem was more lik a test of patience. Wid attendance made compulsory college was more lik a forced thing rather thn fun. But d class managed to work their way.
The scene: Goa trip A badly neded break.
The case: A very well organized trip (thnx 2 d trip comitee…cheers!!!)
Superfun super blast super rockin (bad food tho!) but a really memorable time of their lives tht no1 wil eva 4get.
The outcome: d class had finally taken d system in their own hands (hope u recollect…)
Dis was followed by sum more fun. D class wanted 2 make d best of whteva lil time they had left wid them.
The scene: sports dy
The case: d class tried 2 showcase their athletic skills with d game of cricket.
The outcome: E4A grabbed d title of d best team (others say it was jus fluke :P)
Thn came d nominations 4 awards which lik always was accompanied by lotsa contrevarsies. Thr was real tough competition 4 a few categories..while thr were othr few categories which were seriouslty avoided by d crwd.
Thn ofcourse came a time every1 dreaded d most- d farewell. Well not exactly a farewell but d 1st of many 2 follow. Hidden emotions surfaced. After a hard time partyin d atmosphere did turn slightly emotional 2wards d end. Hugs were exchanged, goodbyes were said. D only hope- thr was stil sumtime left 2 go.
The scene: Final vivas
The subject: DWM
The case: a prof comes ON TIME 2 take d vivas. Half a batch finsh vivas in les thn an hr. dis was d 1st sign of abnormality. N it did turn out 2 b so. The prof was frm comps dept n was neva meant 2 take d vivas in d st place!
The outcome: arnd 15 ppl end up givin an extra viva 4 no fault of theirs!
Dis was obviously followd by project vivas nfinal theory exams. N o---wht a relief!!!
The class an engineer now.
Well dis was d story of 72 ppl-who formed d class of DJIT 2008-a class apart.
And now tht we hafta say the final goodbye-not knowing wht lies ahead of us, or how many of dese 72 faces we shall b seein again 1 thing tht shall remain unchanged r d memories we have shared 2gether-moments of joys n sorrows, fun n trouble-moments tht shall stay wid us 4 lifetime.